How old is Darren Barnet?
Darren Barnet was born on 27 April 1991.
Darren Barnet is 33 years old.
How old is Darren Barnet in days now?
Darren Barnet is 33 years 9 months 10 days old.
Total 12,339 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Darren Barnet?
Darren Barnet's next birthday is in 2 months 21 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Darren Barnet?
Zodiac sign of Darren Barnet is Taurus.
Darren Barnet is a handsome and extremely charming actor who rose to fame for paying one of the lead roles in a cult TV series Never Have I Ever. Born in 1991 in California, he spent his childhood in LA, alongside his parents and two sisters. His mum is of Swedish and Japanese origins, and his father has Cherokee blood in his veins. Darren was a young teenager when his family moved to Florida where he finished high school and achieved quite great success playing lacrosse. However, he dreamed about a career in acting and in order to increase his chances to join auditions, he moved back to LA in the mid 2010s. He began receiving some small roles in the series like SWAT or Criminal Minds. In 2017 Barnet was granted the main role in a TV series Turnt, and in 2020 he joined the cast of Never Have I Ever which became a real hit among the teenagers and young people. A story of a young high school student of Indian origins captured the hearts of the public. Darren Barnet has taken part in shooting a few movies which were successful and made him known among the cinema fans. As of the early 2024, there are over 2.4 million followers on his Instagram account.