How old is David Schwimmer?

David Schwimmer was born on 2 November 1966.
David Schwimmer is 58 years old.

How old is David Schwimmer in days now?

David Schwimmer is 58 years 3 months 4 days old.
Total 21,281 days old now.

When is the next birthday of David Schwimmer?

David Schwimmer's next birthday is in 8 months 27 days.

What is the zodiac sign of David Schwimmer?

Zodiac sign of David Schwimmer is Scorpio.

One of the famous 6 friends from the TV series Friends, David Schwimmer is an American actor and movie director born in NY and raised in California. He has been on stage since his early childhood and in his university times he studied acting and declamation arts. Before his incredible popularity with Friends, Schwimmer took part in filming many other TV shows like The Wonder Years, L.A. Law, Monty and NYPD Blue. His role of Ross Geller in Friends was undoubtedly the most successful in his career, and the work on this TV series lasted for 10 years. There are a number of cinema movies which Schwimmer took part in, including The Pallbearer, Run Fatboy Run, Band of Brothers, and so on. David Schwimmer gave voice to numerous TV cartoon and animated film characters, including the cult Madagascar series. He is also quite famous as a movie director and his best works include Run Fatboy Run, Since You've Been Gone, Growing Up Fisher, etc. He also directed 10 episodes of Friends.

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