How old is Diego Velazquez?

Diego Velazquez was born on 5 December 2001.
Diego Velazquez is 22 years old.

How old is Diego Velazquez in days now?

Diego Velazquez is 22 years 4 months 20 days old.
Total 8,177 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Diego Velazquez?

Diego Velazquez's next birthday is in 7 months 10 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Diego Velazquez?

Zodiac sign of Diego Velazquez is Sagittarius.

Diego Velazquez is a young American TV actor who rose to fame for his role in Nickelodeon TV series The Thundermans. Born in 2001 in Oregon, Velazquez started appearing on TV when he was only 9 years old. He played in a comedy movie Emmett and also appeared in a movie Extraordinary Measures near Harrison Ford. Diego starred in The Thundermans and his portrayal of Billy Thunderman was truly remarkable. He also took part in an episode of TV series Grimm, Leverage, and others. In 2019, Diego Velazquez began starring in Brat network TV series Zoe Valentine.

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