How old is Dylan Minnette?

Dylan Minnette was born on 29 December 1996.
Dylan Minnette is 28 years old.

How old is Dylan Minnette in days now?

Dylan Minnette is 28 years 1 month 8 days old.
Total 10,266 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Dylan Minnette?

Dylan Minnette's next birthday is in 10 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Dylan Minnette?

Zodiac sign of Dylan Minnette is Capricorn.

Dylan Minnette is an American actor and singer known for his roles in a few horror films and TV series. Dylan was born in 1996 in Indiana, grew up in Illinois, and after finishing high school moved to California in order to pursue his career in acting. He first appeared in TV series Drake & Josh, near Josh Peck and Drake Bell. He also appeared as a young Charlie Sheen in Two and a Half Men and as young Wentworth Miller in Prison Break. His other notable roles in TV series include the ones in Mad TV, Lost, Men of a Certain Age, Awake, Scandal, 13 Reasons Why, and others. Among the cinema and TV films of Minnette, such ones as The Clique, Snow Buddies, Goosebumps, and Don't Breathe can be mentioned. Dylan Minnette is also the frontman of the band named Wallows which plays very good quality indie rock music. They released a few singles like These Days, Ground, Let the Sun In, Drunk of Halloween, etc.

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