How old is Elameeeee?
Elameeeee was born on 21 November 1995.
Elameeeee is 29 years old.
How old is Elameeeee in days now?
Elameeeee is 29 years 2 months 28 days old.
Total 10,682 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Elameeeee?
Elameeeee's next birthday is in 9 months 3 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Elameeeee?
Zodiac sign of Elameeeee is Scorpio.
A talented photographer and social media influencer, Elameee is popular on Instagram and has got, as of the early 2025, about 400,000 viewers. She was born Elaine Siemek in 1995 in the USA and spent her childhood years in North Carolina, alongside her parents and her sister Cary. After finishing school she attended the University of North Carolina and when she was a student she made up her mind to open her Instagram account and share various photos and other content focused around her life and her hobbies. Photography and music are two main passions of her life, so most of the current content is centered around those. Elameee is very good at portrait type photography, as well as stylistic photos and photos of the nature, which are truly attractive and positive. In addition to that she loves traveling and attending various events where she can take plenty of photos. As of the present time, she is in a relationship with an actor Rudy Pankow.
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