How old is Elijah Nelson?

Elijah Nelson was born on 7 May 1999.
Elijah Nelson is 25 years old.

How old is Elijah Nelson in days now?

Elijah Nelson is 25 years 12 days old.
Total 9,144 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Elijah Nelson?

Elijah Nelson's next birthday is in 11 months 18 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Elijah Nelson?

Zodiac sign of Elijah Nelson is Taurus.

An actor and writer who became famous for his roles as a teenager actor in some TV series like The Thundermans, Elijah Nelson is also known as a TikTok star. He came to this world in 1999 in the US and grew up in a large family, alongside his numerous siblings. Together, the family have been running their YouTube and TikTok channels titled TheShilohAndBros, led by the eldest daughter in the family, Shiloh Nelson. With a lot of cheerful and positive videos there, the TikTok channel is currently (as of the mid 2024) enjoying the popularity of about 3.7 million people. Elijah made his debut as a professional actor when he was only 6 years old but his first roles were left unnoticed since they were really minor. The first serious role of his was in the later 2000s in a TV series in 2007. In the 2010s he appeared both in some TV projects and some cinema projects like All I Want Is Christmas, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, Saving Lincoln, and others. In 2021 he won a few important awards including the CFF Award. Still, one of the best performances of Elijah Nelson is considered to be his role in The Thundermans where he starred alongside plenty of young and talented actors like Diego Velazquez and others.

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