How old is Elizabeth Olsen?

Elizabeth Olsen was born on 16 February 1989.
Elizabeth Olsen is 35 years old.

How old is Elizabeth Olsen in days now?

Elizabeth Olsen is 35 years 11 months 22 days old.
Total 13,140 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Elizabeth Olsen?

Elizabeth Olsen's next birthday is in 9 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Elizabeth Olsen?

Zodiac sign of Elizabeth Olsen is Aquarius.

Elizabeth Olsen is a TV and cinema actress who is also known as the younger sister of Ashely Olsen and Mary-Kate Olsen. Born in 1989 in LA, she had a wonderful childhood alongside her star sisters. Their parents divorced when Liz was 7 years old and soon new half-brothers and half-sisters came to this world. Liz attracted public attention in the late 2000s when she began appearing alongside her sisters in various TV projects. Her cinema debut took place in 2011 when Liz participated in shooing Silent House and Martha Marty Mace Marlene, with the latter bringing her a large number of famous cinema awards. Her most famous roles include the ones in such movies as Kill Your Darlings, In Secret, I Saw The Light, Captain America, and so on. On TV, she can be seen in a few projects like a TV series Sorry For Your Loss. In the mid 2021, Elizabeth Olsen icollaborated with Disney channel on producing a new show titled WandaVision. Later in the year, she got married. In 2022 and 2023 the couple released two successful books for children.

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