How old is Erik Stocklin?
Erik Stocklin was born on 24 September 1982.
Erik Stocklin is 42 years old.
How old is Erik Stocklin in days now?
Erik Stocklin is 42 years 5 months 11 days old.
Total 15,505 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Erik Stocklin?
Erik Stocklin's next birthday is in 6 months 17 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Erik Stocklin?
Zodiac sign of Erik Stocklin is Libra.
Erik Stocklin is an actor who is famous for his roles in some TV series of the best American channels. Born Erik Lynn Stocklin in 1982 in New Jersey, he has been extremely interested in acting since his early years and in high school he used to take an active part in school theater performances. He studied drama in university and started his career in 2010 by appearing in 8 episodes of First Day TV series. A year later he appeared in Vampire Diaries. Other famous roles of Stocklin include the ones in TV series Mistress, Stalker, Haters Back Off, Lucifer, and others. He also appeared in a few movies like The Bad Guys, Donner Pass and others. Erik Stocklin is married to a famous YouTuber and comedy actress Coleen Ballinger whom he met while filming Haters Back Off and the couple has a son.