How old is Ethan Wacker?

Ethan Wacker was born on 8 May 2002.
Ethan Wacker is 21 years old.

How old is Ethan Wacker in days now?

Ethan Wacker is 21 years 11 months 23 days old.
Total 8,029 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ethan Wacker?

Ethan Wacker's next birthday is in 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ethan Wacker?

Zodiac sign of Ethan Wacker is Taurus.

Ethan Wacker is an American teenage YouTuber and actor who is remembered for his roles in Disney TV series Miles from Tomorrowland and others. He was born in 2002 in Hawaii and grew up there alongside his elder brother. Just like most of his peers, Ethan is extremely interested in social networks and has very popular YouTube and Instagram accounts, with the number of the followers in the latter exceeding 1 million people. He uses his YouTube channel for vlogging and uploads plenty of interesting videos, comments, pranks, and challenges, as well as interesting experiences in his life like meeting the members of his favorite basketball team. Ethan is a member of Squad 7 group of young YouTubers, along with Casey Simpson, Cody Veith, Michael Campion, Isaac Presley, and others. Ethan Wacker portrayed lead characters in Miles from Tomorrowland, Bozaardvark TV series, as well as gave voice to one of the characters of The Stinky & Dirty Show.

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