How old is Gabi DeMartino?
Gabi DeMartino was born on 5 May 1995.
Gabi DeMartino is 29 years old.
How old is Gabi DeMartino in days now?
Gabi DeMartino is 29 years 9 months 2 days old.
Total 10,871 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Gabi DeMartino?
Gabi DeMartino's next birthday is in 2 months 28 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Gabi DeMartino?
Zodiac sign of Gabi DeMartino is Taurus.
Gabriella or Gabi DeMartino is a young YouTube sensation and beauty expert who has been recently enjoying a large popularity after appearing in the latest video of Ariana Grande. Gabi was born in 1995 in Pennsylvania but grew up in LA alongside her twin sister Niki DeMartino. The girls love fun and together they run a channel on YouTube which is one of the most viewed by the youngest beauty and fashion fans. The girls started their channel back in 2012 inspired by online tutorials of Demi Lovato. Today (the mid 2024), the channel Niki and Gabi has over 9 million followers, as well as personal channels of the girls, and Instagram accounts of theirs. The final boost of the popularity of Gabi DeMartino was her participation in the video Thank U, Next where she appeared with Colleen Ballinger, Troye Sivan, Jonathan Bennett, and others.
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