How old is Niki DeMartino?
Niki DeMartino was born on 5 May 1995.
Niki DeMartino is 29 years old.
How old is Niki DeMartino in days now?
Niki DeMartino is 29 years 9 months 4 days old.
Total 10,873 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Niki DeMartino?
Niki DeMartino's next birthday is in 2 months 26 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Niki DeMartino?
Zodiac sign of Niki DeMartino is Taurus.
Niki DeMartino is a popular YouTube star and a fashion expert known also for her collaboration with her twin sister Gabi DeMartino. The girls were born in 1995 in Pennsylvania and spent their early childhood there alongside their elder sister Alex and younger brother Anthony. In the mid-2000s the family moved to California, where the girls went to school. Just like most of their peers, Niki and Gabi started getting interested in social media, and in 2012 they opened their first joint YouTube account where they began posting a large number of videos about fashion and their comments on various things and events related to fashion. Later on, they opened another channel, the famous Niki and Gabi which currently has over 9 million followers (as of the early 2024). A few years ago the girls also decided to try themselves in singing and recorded a few singles including the most popular one, "It". Together with both of her sisters, Niki DeMartino also runs a YouTube channel titled 00RemakeGirls where they post various entertaining content like pranks, parodies, sip syncs, popular song covers, etc.
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