How old is Gigi Hadid?

Gigi Hadid was born on 23 April 1995.
Gigi Hadid is 29 years old.

How old is Gigi Hadid in days now?

Gigi Hadid is 29 years 9 months 15 days old.
Total 10,883 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Gigi Hadid?

Gigi Hadid's next birthday is in 2 months 16 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Gigi Hadid?

Zodiac sign of Gigi Hadid is Taurus.

Gigi Hadid (her full name is Jelena Noura Hadid) is a lovely American model and one of the beauty icons of our times, as well as an actress and a TV program star. She was born in 1995 in California, in the family of American, Dutch, and Palestinian origins Her mother was also a model. Gigi began her modeling career when she was a high school student, and after finishing it she started studying criminal law in a university, but very soon she had to give it up because she started receiving plenty of offers from various model agencies. Her first serious contract was the one with Guess clothing line, followed by a contract with IMG Models agency and taking part in various world's leading modeling shows and events. In 2015-2016, she appeared on the cover of Vogue and had a few very successful photo sessions, and as result, a few famous fashion editions named her the Model of the Year. Gigi worked with virtually all famous brands and companies, including Versace, Fendi, Chanel, Anna Sui, and many many others. Together with her sister, Bella, they take part in plenty of various fashion related events, shows, etc. Gigi is leading very active social life and takes part in various social activities, fashion related TV shows, and programs, etc. She has an extremely popular Instagram account, with the number of followers close to 78 million follower (as of the mid 2023). She had a relationship with Zayn Malik, a famous songwriter and singer from the UK, and the couple has a daughter.

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