How old is Giovanni Morassutti?

Giovanni Morassutti was born on 15 March 1980.
Giovanni Morassutti is 44 years old.

How old is Giovanni Morassutti in days now?

Giovanni Morassutti is 44 years 7 months 8 days old.
Total 16,293 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Giovanni Morassutti?

Giovanni Morassutti's next birthday is in 4 months 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Giovanni Morassutti?

Zodiac sign of Giovanni Morassutti is Pisces.

Giovanni Morassutti is an Italian actor, theatre director, and cultural entrepreneur. He started as an intern at the Actors Studio while in 2001 he met John Strasberg, son of Lee Strasberg, with whom he has been studying and collaborating as a coordinator for his workshops. He is the author of the preface of the Italian version of  Strasberg´s book Accidentally on purpose and a graduate from the National Film School in Rome directed by actor Giancarlo Giannini. Giovanni worked as an actor in several productions directed by Ellen Stewart, founder of La Mama e.t.c., Ted Mornel, Kathleen M. Wilce, and Gus Van Sant appearing in several Italian and international films. As a theatre director and actor, he has been directing and acting in plays presented in theaters like the Cherry Lane Theater, La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club, The Gene Frankel Theatre among others. Giovanni Morassutti is also the founder and artistic director of Art Aia - Creatives / In / Residence and director of Art Aia-La Dolce Berlin, which is a project space in Berlin that shares many crossovers with the Italian headquarters including facilitation of cultural activities and an interest in cultural research and artistic experimentation.

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