How old is Ian Harding?
Ian Harding was born on 16 September 1986.
Ian Harding is 38 years old.
How old is Ian Harding in days now?
Ian Harding is 38 years 4 months 24 days old.
Total 14,026 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Ian Harding?
Ian Harding's next birthday is in 7 months 7 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Ian Harding?
Zodiac sign of Ian Harding is Virgo.
Ian Harding is a talented American actor who rose to fame with his roles in some TV series including Pretty Little Liars. Born Ian Michael Harding in 1986 in the West Germany, to the family of American military officers, he spent his childhood in Virginia, where his parents moved to shortly after their son was born. As a teenager, Harding used to take part in the performances of his school's drama club and later on studied acting in Carnegie Mellon University. His television debut was extremely successful as he was offered to ply one of the lead roles in Pretty Little Liars. He also participated in other shows and TV programs like Punk'd, Thin Ice, Chicago Med, etc. He also can be seen in the movies like Adventureland, Office Uprising, Ford vs Ferrari, etc. Ian Harding got married in 2019.