How old is Isabel Jones?

Isabel Jones was born on 13 February 2001.
Isabel Jones is 23 years old.

How old is Isabel Jones in days now?

Isabel Jones is 23 years 11 months 24 days old.
Total 8,759 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Isabel Jones?

Isabel Jones's next birthday is in 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Isabel Jones?

Zodiac sign of Isabel Jones is Aquarius.

Isabel Jones is a TikTok star, a star family member, as well as a great bass guitar player known for her contribution in her family band named SM6. Born in 2001 in Illinois, she spent her early years alongside her parents and her 5 siblings. The family lived in a few cities of the state, and they are actually eight people, the parents and their three sons and three daughters. All kids have been extremely interested in music and in the late 2010s they formed a band named SM6. In the band, the elder brother George plays keyboard and does most of the vocals, Isabel plays bass guitar and the other brother Adam plays the guitar, while two sisters Emily and Eliana play drums and tambourines, and the youngest child Jack plays the guitar. The band has its own YouTube and TikTok channels where they are extremely popular and have over 3 million subscribers (as of the early 2024). They are great at doing covers of many popular songs of such stars as Billie Eilish or Harry Styles. Isabel Jones also has her personal Instagram channel where she is followed by a few hundreds of thousands of people.

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