How old is Billie Eilish?

Billie Eilish was born on 18 December 2001.
Billie Eilish is 23 years old.

How old is Billie Eilish in days now?

Billie Eilish is 23 years 1 month 22 days old.
Total 8,454 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Billie Eilish?

Billie Eilish's next birthday is in 10 months 9 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Billie Eilish?

Zodiac sign of Billie Eilish is Sagittarius.

Billie Eilish is a young singer and songwriter, originating from Los Angeles, California, the US. She was born in 2001 to the family of actors and musicians. Billie started playing musical instruments and writing her first songs when she was 10-11 years old, being inspired by the work of her elder brother Finneas. In 2015 she released her first single "Ocean Eyes" written by Finneas for his own band. As a release on various social media platforms, the debut song of Eilish became very popular. During the next year, the young musician released a number of new songs, with "Don't Smile At Me", "Bored" (the soundtrack for TV series 13 Reasons Why), "Wait", "Party Favor", etc. In 2018, more of her new singles came out ("You Should See Me In A Crown", "Bitches Broken Hearts", etc.) and the same year her first debut album is expected to be released. Billie Eilish was noticed by the team of Apple, and in October 2017 named the Young Musician of Apple Music. She released her album titled When We fall Asleep Where Do We Go? in 2019 and received numerous awards for the songs in it. She is a winner of 5 Grammy awards, two Guinness World Records, and so on. In 2023, she recorded a song titled "What Was I Made For?" which became a soundtrack for a cult movie Barbie. A year later she released her third studio album titled Hit Me Hard And Soft.

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