How old is Jack Dylan Grazer?

Jack Dylan Grazer was born on 3 September 2003.
Jack Dylan Grazer is 20 years old.

How old is Jack Dylan Grazer in days now?

Jack Dylan Grazer is 20 years 8 months 1 day old.
Total 7,549 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jack Dylan Grazer?

Jack Dylan Grazer's next birthday is in 3 months 30 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jack Dylan Grazer?

Zodiac sign of Jack Dylan Grazer is Virgo.

Jack Dylan Grazer is a very talented young actor known for his amazing performance in the adaptation movie of Steven Spielberg's It. He was born in 2003 in LA and grew up there. His uncle is a known producer and screenplay writer, so the family has very strong connections with the world of cinema arts. Jack began appearing on TV when he was 11 years old by taking part in the series The Greatest Event In TV History, and a year later he made his cinema debut with a small role in Tales of Halloween. In 2017 Grazer became a member of the cast for Me, Myself & I TV series, as well as worked in the team creating the movie It which was awarded by MTV Movie Award for 2018. Recently, he has continued by starring in the movies like Shazam!, Beautiful Boy, and others. Jack Dylan Grazer can be seen in the TV series like Comedy Bang! Bang! and Speechless.

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