How old is Jaden Hossler?

Jaden Hossler was born on 8 February 2001.
Jaden Hossler is 23 years old.

How old is Jaden Hossler in days now?

Jaden Hossler is 23 years 2 months 18 days old.
Total 8,478 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jaden Hossler?

Jaden Hossler's next birthday is in 9 months 13 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jaden Hossler?

Zodiac sign of Jaden Hossler is Aquarius.

Jaden Hossler is a young American TikToker and Internet star. Born in 2001 in Tennessee, he started being active on various social media platforms when he was 14 years old. His main TikTok channel currently enjoys the attention of over 9 million followers. Hossler is a talented and skillful content creator focusing mainly on various pranks, challenges, comedy-related materials, as well as a personal vlog. Very often his friends and his mom Amy appear in his videos. Jaden Hossler loves collaborating with other video content creators like Chase Hudson, Gostavlo Bonfim, Chase Keith, Avani Gregg, Griffin Johnson. Recently, Jaden has been trying himself in singing and music. His first single "Comatose" was released in 2020 and had a great success. His second single "Wanna Be" came out a year later and enjoyed a very warm reception by his fans.

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