How old is Avani Gregg?
Avani Gregg was born on 23 November 2002.
Avani Gregg is 22 years old.
How old is Avani Gregg in days now?
Avani Gregg is 22 years 2 months 14 days old.
Total 8,111 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Avani Gregg?
Avani Gregg's next birthday is in 9 months 17 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Avani Gregg?
Zodiac sign of Avani Gregg is Sagittarius.
Avani Gregg is a young social media star and a very talented TikToker who is famous for a rely large variety of topics that are touched on her channel. Born in 2002 in Indiana and was raised by her parents alongside her two sisters. He mother has Indian origins, that's how Avani's Indian name can be explained. In her childhood, Gregg loved outdoor activities, gymnastics and dancing, so he used to attend plenty of classes and learn to dance. She has managed to obtain a proficiency level in gymnastics. Avani opened her first social media channel in the mid 2010s and started learning to entertain her audience with some creative videos. She used to focus on various comedy related stuff, pranks and challenges, but later on Avani expanded her focus on some make-up and fashion related stuff. She is considered one of the best experts in that among all the TikTokers. As of the mid 2024, Avani Gregg has over 142 million followers which gives her a place among 50 most followed TikTokers at the moment. She dated Anthony Reeves, another famous TikTok star, but in the late 2022 the couple split up.