How old is Jane Goodall?

Jane Goodall was born on 3 April 1934.
Jane Goodall is 90 years old.

How old is Jane Goodall in days now?

Jane Goodall is 90 years 6 months 20 days old.
Total 33,076 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jane Goodall?

Jane Goodall's next birthday is in 5 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jane Goodall?

Zodiac sign of Jane Goodall is Aries.

Baroness Jane van Lawick-Goodall, or Dame Jane Goodall, is a famous British scientist and primatologist, known as the best expert on chimpanzees. She was born in 1934 in one of London neighborhoods, and as a child, little Jane received a stuffed chimpanzee, which she liked very much and decided to dedicate her life to study these amazing animals. In the late 1950s, the young scientist went to Africa to observe and research on the animals in their natural habitat. There, she met a few known specialists who persuaded Jane to join an ethology program at Cambridge University, which helped the young scientist to learn more about monkeys and chimpanzees. After finishing the program, Jane started working in Gombe Stream National Park, where a great population of chimpanzees was living. She could observe their habits, diet, and behavior, and make her scientific experiments which sometimes took decades to achieve some conclusions and results. In 1977 Jane founded her own organization, Jane Goodall Institution, which supports and provides money for chimpanzee and African animal-related research. For her extraordinary achievements, Goodall was honored by becoming a Member of the British Empire, as well as received a number of awards and became the United Nations Messenger of Peace.

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