How old is Jenna Ortega?

Jenna Ortega was born on 27 September 2002.
Jenna Ortega is 21 years old.

How old is Jenna Ortega in days now?

Jenna Ortega is 21 years 6 months 20 days old.
Total 7,872 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jenna Ortega?

Jenna Ortega's next birthday is in 5 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jenna Ortega?

Zodiac sign of Jenna Ortega is Libra.

Jenna Marie Ortega is an American actress and young TV personality born in California in 2002. She is of Mexican and Puerto Rican origin. Jenna is one of six children in the family, and she has been showing interest in acting since her primary school. In 2012 she appeared in one episode of CSI: New York, and a year later she received a small role in Iron Man 3. Starting from 2010 she has been playing one of the leading characters in Jane the Virgin, and since 2016 she has been appearing as Harley in Stuck in the Middle TV series of Disney. Jenna also gives voice to Princess Isabel in the animated series Elena of Avalor and Elena and the Secret of Avalor. She has recently collaborated with Jacob Sartorius on his video "Chapstick". In the late 2021, Jenna Ortega appeared in a movie called The Fallout which is considered to be one of the best of her works so far. In the early 2023 she hosted one of the episodes of the TV show Saturday Night Live.

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