How old is Jessica Alba?

Jessica Alba was born on 28 April 1981.
Jessica Alba is 42 years old.

How old is Jessica Alba in days now?

Jessica Alba is 42 years 11 months 19 days old.
Total 15,694 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jessica Alba?

Jessica Alba's next birthday is in 12 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jessica Alba?

Zodiac sign of Jessica Alba is Taurus.

Jessica Maria Alba is a famous and successful American actress, social life activist, and business lady, who participated in 44 Hollywood movies and achieved recognition around the world. Born in 1981 in California, she started her acting career in her late school years, in Atlantic Theater Company acting studio. Her father was of Mexican origin, and the family was not very wealthy, that made young Jessica spend a lot of time working, between attending numerous castings in Beverly Hills. In her late teenagehood, she received a few roles in sitcoms, and in those times she also took part in Nintendo computer game advertisement. Dark Angel and Honey were among the most successful early movies of Alba. Later on, she starred in Sin City and Fantastic Four alongside such actors as Bruce Willis and Mickey Rourke. Her roles in Spy Kids and Mechanic Resurrection are among newer notable performances of Alba. Jessica Alba is married to Cash Warren, and the couple has two sons.

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