How old is Jimmy Uso?

Jimmy Uso was born on 22 August 1985.
Jimmy Uso is 39 years old.

How old is Jimmy Uso in days now?

Jimmy Uso is 39 years 5 months 18 days old.
Total 14,416 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Jimmy Uso?

Jimmy Uso's next birthday is in 6 months 13 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Jimmy Uso?

Zodiac sign of Jimmy Uso is Leo.

An outstanding and well known wrestling star from Samoa, Jimmy Uso got known as a part of an epic duo The Usos which included him and his twin brother Jey Uso. He was born Jonathan Solofa Fatu in California in 1985 and is a few minutes older than his younger brother Joshua Samuel, to the parents of Samoa origins. Their father, a professional wrestler known as Fatu or Rikishi became their first trainer, and it was in 2008 when Jimmy and Josh debuted as professional wrestlers. Two years later they singed up with the WWE and debuted there as The Uso brothers. For their lasting career the brothers have got a number of joint and individual records. In particular, Jimmy has a 622 day record of holding a title of the tag team championship, and the brothers became the 8 time champions of the tag team, and becoming a few time champions of the RAW and SmackDown made them the Undisputed WWE Tag Team Champions. Jimmy Uso is married to his fellow wrestler Trinity (Naomi) McCray, who is the mother of his two children and his personal manager. As of the early 2024 he is inactive as a wrestler due to a minor injury.

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