How old is John Lithgow?

John Lithgow was born on 19 October 1945.
John Lithgow is 78 years old.

How old is John Lithgow in days now?

John Lithgow is 78 years 6 months 22 days old.
Total 28,694 days old now.

When is the next birthday of John Lithgow?

John Lithgow's next birthday is in 5 months 8 days.

What is the zodiac sign of John Lithgow?

Zodiac sign of John Lithgow is Libra.

John Lithgow is a talented American actor and singer known for his lasting career on stage and in the cinema. Born in 1945 in New York, he was raised by the parents who had to do with theater. In his youth, he studied literature and history in Harvard, and then he continued to study drama in the London Academy of Music and Arts. His acting debut in Broadway took place in the early 1970s, and he has been appearing in various movies and TV series since the middle of the decade. As of the early 2020s, Lithgow has appeared in over 60 movies, with the ones like All That Jazz, Blow Out (with John Travolta), followed by two outstanding movies, Terms of Endearment (with Jack Nicholson and Jeff Daniels) and The World According to Garp (with Robin Williams), which brought him two Academy Awards. He also delivered amazing performances in the movies Footloose, Memphis Belle, The Pelican Brief (with Denzel Washington), A Civil Action (with John Travolta), The Life And Death of Peter Sellers, Shrek, The Homesman (with Tommy Lee Jones), Love Is Strange, Beatriz at Dinner (with Salma Hayek), and many others. On TV John Lithgow is known as a guest of some Saturday Night Live shows or a weird guy from The 3rd Rock from the Sun. He also appeared in TV series like How I Met Your Mother, Once Upon a Time in Wonderland, Trial&Error, The Crown, and so on. He is an avid soccer fan. He was married a few times and has two sons and a daughter. 

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