How old is Keegan Allen?

Keegan Allen was born on 22 July 1989.
Keegan Allen is 34 years old.

How old is Keegan Allen in days now?

Keegan Allen is 34 years 9 months 9 days old.
Total 12,702 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Keegan Allen?

Keegan Allen's next birthday is in 2 months 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Keegan Allen?

Zodiac sign of Keegan Allen is Cancer.

Keegan Allen is a handsome and talented actor, who is the best known for his lead role in a TV series Pretty Little Liars. Born in 1989 in California, he is one of the children of a famous actor Philip Allen famous for his role in a cut TV series Star Trek. Keegan studied fine arts in university and began his professional career in the early 2010s by joining the cast of Pretty Little Liars which made him popular. He also took part in shooting such TV series as CSI, Major Crimes, What If, and as of the mid 2021 he is involved in producing the series called Walker. On TV, Keegan Walker appears in such movies as King Cobra, In Dubious Battle, Zeroville, etc. Keegan Allen is also known as a photographer, a singer and an author of a few books.

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