How old is Kid President?
Kid President was born on 24 October 2003.
Kid President is 21 years old.
How old is Kid President in days now?
Kid President is 21 years 3 months 18 days old.
Total 7,781 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Kid President?
Kid President's next birthday is in 8 months 13 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Kid President?
Zodiac sign of Kid President is Scorpio.
A YouTube star and an incredibly charismatic kid, Kid President is the creator of a series of fascinating and funny videos on YouTube channel SoulPancake. Born Robby Novak in 2004 in Tennessee, he grew up in the city of Henderson and since his childhood, he suffered from a condition of brittle bone disease. That is why he had to face some challenges and cope with certain difficulties in his daily life. When Robby was 6 years old, his brother-in-law Brad Montague created the character and the idea of Kid President online series. Brad's friend, an actor Rainn Wilson promoted the series and the channel in his personal YouTube page, that is how the series and Robby's character started being popular. Today, there are over 3 million constant viewers of the show. Kid President has become a social media personality and was even invited to the White House to meet the 44th President of the United States, Barack Obama.
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