How old is King Bach?

King Bach was born on 26 June 1988.
King Bach is 35 years old.

How old is King Bach in days now?

King Bach is 35 years 10 months 5 days old.
Total 13,093 days old now.

When is the next birthday of King Bach?

King Bach's next birthday is in 1 month 25 days.

What is the zodiac sign of King Bach?

Zodiac sign of King Bach is Cancer.

King Bach is an American comedian and successful Internet personality who became famous as a Viner. His real name is Andrew B. Bachelor and he was born in 1988 in one of the neighborhoods of Toronto, to the family of Jamaican origin. When Andrew was 2 years old, the family moved to Florida, where he grew up near his sister Christina. In his childhood, Andrew was very much fond of sports. After studying at New York Film Academy, Bach moved to LA to try himself in small local theaters. At the same time, his channel was becoming one of the most popular ones in Vine, with the peak of about 16.5 million followers. He started with various comedy sketches and funny videos and continued with a variety of pranks and collaborations with other famous Viners like Juanpa Zurita or Amanda Cerny. Since 2014 King Bach has been taking part in various cinema projects, and his performances in Meet the Blacks, Fifty Shades of Black, Grow House, The Babysitter, Where's the Money, are noteworthy. He also appeared in a few comedy TV series like Black Jesus or Punk'd.

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