How old is Lauren Donzis?

Lauren Donzis was born on 28 July 2004.
Lauren Donzis is 19 years old.

How old is Lauren Donzis in days now?

Lauren Donzis is 19 years 8 months 28 days old.
Total 7,211 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lauren Donzis?

Lauren Donzis's next birthday is in 3 months 3 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lauren Donzis?

Zodiac sign of Lauren Donzis is Leo.

Lauren Donzis is a young actress and a star of commercials who became famous as a child actor. She was born in 2004 in Los Angeles and spent her childhood in the Sunny State, alongside her family and friends. Due to her amazing eyes and great looks, Lauren was discovered by TV talent scouts in her early childhood and started collaborating with various business and TV companies when she was a child. She appeared in the commercials of Allstate, Amazon, some catering and other kinds of companies. In the late 2010s she began taking part in TV and online series. Those were the series like Liv And Maddie and Best Friends Whenever by Disney channel, No Good Luck by Netflix, and so on. Lauren Donzis is a talented young girl who has really great perspectives and a really bright future.

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