How old is Leo Howard?

Leo Howard was born on 13 July 1997.
Leo Howard is 27 years old.

How old is Leo Howard in days now?

Leo Howard is 27 years 6 months 25 days old.
Total 10,071 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Leo Howard?

Leo Howard's next birthday is in 5 months 6 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Leo Howard?

Zodiac sign of Leo Howard is Cancer.

An actor and an expert in martial arts, Leo Howard was born in 1997 in California to a rich family of media stars and famous dog breeders. His father is Todd Howard known under the name of The Big Bulldog. Leo spent his childhood in various dog breeding farms in the Sunny State. Since his early age his has been extremely interested in martial arts and began studying dojo followed by plenty of extreme martial art disciplines. In his early teen ages he joined a number of serious international competitions and has a few victories. Of course Leo was fond of various movies with Jackie Chan or Bruce Lee, so eventually he started dreaming about pursuing a career in acting as well. At the age of 8 he appeared in an episode of a TV series related to karate, but his more serious acting activities started in the late 2000s when Howard received an invitation to play a main role in TV series Leo Little's Big Show, Zeke&Luther, followed by his lasting work in other series Kickin' It and Freakish. In cinema, Leo Howard appeared in a few movies including Shorts, Children Of The Corn, Andron, and, of course, Conan the Barbarian, where he portrayed young Conan. In his free time Leo loves playing the guitar, working as a volunteer in a vet clinic and getting involved in other various social activities.

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