How old is Leonardo DiCaprio?
Leonardo DiCaprio was born on 11 November 1974.
Leonardo DiCaprio is 50 years old.
How old is Leonardo DiCaprio in days now?
Leonardo DiCaprio is 50 years 2 months 27 days old.
Total 18,351 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Leonardo DiCaprio?
Leonardo DiCaprio's next birthday is in 9 months 4 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Leonardo DiCaprio?
Zodiac sign of Leonardo DiCaprio is Scorpio.
Leonardo Wilhelm DiCaprio is an American actor, producer, and social activist. He was born in 1974 in California, and his parents were of Russian, German and American origin. His mom and dad divorced when he was just a child, and Leonardo spent his childhood in a poor neighborhood of LA. He is very close with his mom and is still asking for her advice too often. His first popularity came to DiCaprio after appearing in small commercial and in some TV shows like Santa Barbara in the late 1980s. His first movies, Critters 3 and That Boy's Life, have shown that the young actor has a really great talent for portrayıng young rebellious people. Two following roles in The Basketball Dairies and especially Romeo and Juliet brought real popularity to the young actor. 1997 became a peak in DiCaprio's career, with his amazing performance in Titanic where he starred together with Kate Winslet. This movie has brought worldwide recognition to the young man. He started working with such brilliant directors as Martin Scorsese and played in the movies as Catch Me If You Can, Gangs of New York, Blood Diamond, Revolutionary Road, and The Departed. He is equally wonderful in comedies and drama movies, in gangster and social life stories. The Aviator movie of Scorsese brought one more peak of popularity for the actor, helping him win his first Golden Globe Award. In 2016 DiCaprio received his first Academy Award, for his amazing performance in the movie The Revenant. This movie also brought him one more Golden Globe Award and a great number of other international awards. Leonardo DiCaprio is not married but has dated plenty of the most beautiful actresses in Hollywood. He is a political and social life activist, a businessman and a producer.