How old is Lindsay Lohan?
Lindsay Lohan was born on 2 July 1986.
Lindsay Lohan is 38 years old.
How old is Lindsay Lohan in days now?
Lindsay Lohan is 38 years 8 months 5 days old.
Total 14,128 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Lindsay Lohan?
Lindsay Lohan's next birthday is in 3 months 25 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Lindsay Lohan?
Zodiac sign of Lindsay Lohan is Cancer.
Lindsay Dee Lohan was born in New York, in 1986. She has 3 younger siblings, and her modeling career started when she was 3 as well when she started modeling and appearing in Pizza Hut and Wendy's advertisement. She took part in about 30 advertisement campaigns and modeling. In 1996 she took part in her first cinema project, Another World, where she played Ali Fowler, but a real fame came to her with the role of twins in the movie The Parent Trap. At the beginning of 1999 the movie Life-Size brought new success, and in 2002 she played in Freaky Friday, where her role of Anna Coleman. Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen was one of the most famous projects that the actress took part in. Lindsay played a wonderful role of Lola, a young actress. In 2004 Lindsay Lohan recorded an album titled Speak, which has become quite popular and was successfully sold. The same year her new movie Herbie: Fully Loaded was released, where she played the main role. Just My Luck and Georgia Rule are among other famous cinema projects of the actress. She is also a fashion designer and a business lady. In her free time, Lindsay Lohan loves spending time with her siblings, writing poems, doing shopping, and enjoying nature. She loves music and watching TV series.