How old is Lisa Loring?

Lisa Loring was born on 16 February 1958. Lisa Loring died on 28 January 2023 at the age of 64 years.

What was the exact age of Lisa Loring?

Lisa Loring's exact age was 64 years 11 months 12 days old. Lisa Loring lived for total 23,722 days.

What would be the age of Lisa Loring if alive?

Lisa Loring's exact age would be 66 years 8 months 6 days old if alive. Total 24,355 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lisa Loring?

Zodiac sign of Lisa Loring is Aquarius.

Lisa Loring was an outstanding and talented actress who rose to fame with her role of Wednesday Addams in the sitcom The Addams Family. She was born in 1958 in Marshall Islands to an American family. At the moment of her birth her parents were serving in the Navy, but unfortunately they divorced shortly after Lisa came to this world. She spent her early years in the Hawaii and California, and she started her professional career as a child actor by appearing in the Addams Family. Loring got married very early, when she was 15, and became a teenage mum. She was married four times during her life and had two children. In the 1980s she worked as a make-up artist and also took part in a few other TV projects like a TV series As The World Turns, or the movies like Iced, Blood Frenzy, etc. Lisa Loring passed away in the early 2023 as a result of a stroke caused presumably by her excessive smoking. He was 64 years old...

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