How old is Lizzy Greene?

Lizzy Greene was born on 1 May 2003.
Lizzy Greene is 20 years old.

How old is Lizzy Greene in days now?

Lizzy Greene is 20 years 11 months 19 days old.
Total 7,660 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Lizzy Greene?

Lizzy Greene's next birthday is in 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Lizzy Greene?

Zodiac sign of Lizzy Greene is Taurus.

Lizzy Greene is a young American actress known for her role in Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn TV series. She was born in 2003 in Dallas Texas and grew up there alongside her elder brother. In her childhood, she has been interested in fashion and dreamed of becoming a model. She also became a student of the Fun House Theater and Film School, where she was spotted by young actor scouts. When she was 11 years old, Lizzy was offered to join the cast of Nicky, Ricky, Dicky, and Dawn of Nickelodeon where she shared the spotlight with Aidan Gallagher, Casey Simpson, and other young actors. The role of Dawn Harper made her famous and brought her nominations for a few respectable awards. In 2016 Lizzy Greene appeared in Paradise Run TV show, and she also made a cameo in a few Nickelodeon TV series. As of the early 2020s, she is one of the cast members of A Million Little Things TV series of ABS, where she is portraying Sophie Dixon.

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