How old is Louis Hynes?

Louis Hynes was born on 9 October 2001.
Louis Hynes is 22 years old.

How old is Louis Hynes in days now?

Louis Hynes is 22 years 6 months 9 days old.
Total 8,227 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Louis Hynes?

Louis Hynes's next birthday is in 5 months 21 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Louis Hynes?

Zodiac sign of Louis Hynes is Libra.

Louis Hynes is a British actor and a star of a Netflix TV series named A Series Of Unfortunate Events. He was born in 2001 in the city of Oxford, the UK, and grew up there alongside his parents and two siblings. Since his childhood he has been a great fan of music and drama. As a teenager he learned to play bass guitar and joined a few performances of local musicals. In 2016 he was invited to take part in a series Barbarians Rising, and the next year he joined the cast of A Series Of Unfortunate Events which became a sensation on Netflix. In the early 2021, Louis Hynes appeared in a series titled The Great. He has recently been dating a talented actress Amybeth McNulty.

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