How old is Madelaine Petsch?

Madelaine Petsch was born on 18 August 1994.
Madelaine Petsch is 29 years old.

How old is Madelaine Petsch in days now?

Madelaine Petsch is 29 years 8 months 8 days old.
Total 10,844 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Madelaine Petsch?

Madelaine Petsch's next birthday is in 3 months 23 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Madelaine Petsch?

Zodiac sign of Madelaine Petsch is Leo.

Madelaine Petsch is a TV actress known for her role in the TV series Riverdale. She was born in 1994 in Washington and grew up there alongside her brother. Her parents are South African, thus Madelaine spent her childhood living in South Africa, now living in the US. She has been learning dancing since she was a child. She has been a vegan since she was 14. When she was 20 years old, Petsch was spotted by TV commercial scouts and began appearing in commercials. A year later she was invited to take part in Riverdale TV series, where she continues till now portraying the character of Cheryl Blossom. Other notable roles of Madelaine Petsch include the ones in TV films The Curse of Sleeping Beauty, Instant Mom, F the Prom, Polaroid, and others. She has been a vegetarian since her early teen ages, and she often takes part in various events connected with protecting animal's rights.

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