How old is Marcel Ruiz?

Marcel Ruiz was born on 9 July 2003.
Marcel Ruiz is 20 years old.

How old is Marcel Ruiz in days now?

Marcel Ruiz is 20 years 9 months 10 days old.
Total 7,590 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Marcel Ruiz?

Marcel Ruiz's next birthday is in 2 months 20 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Marcel Ruiz?

Zodiac sign of Marcel Ruiz is Cancer.

Marcel Ruiz is a young American actor originating from Puerto Rico and famous for his role in a NETFLIX TV series One Day At A Time. He was born in 2003 in Puerto Rico and grew up in a typical local family. His parents have to do with shooting films and little Marcel has a chance to star in their movies when he was a child. They has noticed his talent and decided to support him in his calls to become an actor. For that, the family moved to LA where he could attend a large number of auditions and obtain some serious roles. Prior to appearing in One Day At A Time Marcel Ruiz took part in other projects like Snowfall drama TV series. His cinema debut took place in 2019 when he appeared in a movie Breakthrough. In the early 2020s he tried himself in modeling business and often spent his free time playing soccer or basketball.

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