How old is Milla Jovovich?
Milla Jovovich was born on 17 December 1975.
Milla Jovovich is 49 years old.
How old is Milla Jovovich in days now?
Milla Jovovich is 49 years 1 month 21 days old.
Total 17,950 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Milla Jovovich?
Milla Jovovich's next birthday is in 10 months 10 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Milla Jovovich?
Zodiac sign of Milla Jovovich is Sagittarius.
Milla Jovovich is an outstanding American actress who played in a large number of movies and made plenty of stage performances as a singer, a model, or a theater actress. Born in Kyiv, Ukraine, in an international family of a Yugoslavian doctor and a Soviet actress, Jovovich has started living in the US since she was 5 years old. Her mom did everything possible for Milla to become an educated and successful actress, and she never spared money for acting teachers and the best acting schools in Hollywood. Milla's debut role was in Two Moon Junction, but just three years later she became really famous for her role in Return to Blue Lagoon. Many would agree that one of her most unforgettable performances was Lilu of The Fifth Element, where she starred together with Bruce Willis. Milla's role in Resident Evil made her popular and loved by horror movie fans. In 2007, Milla Jovovich became a mom of a wonderful daughter, Ever Gabo.