How old is Mohamed Salah?
Mohamed Salah was born on 15 June 1992.
Mohamed Salah is 32 years old.
How old is Mohamed Salah in days now?
Mohamed Salah is 32 years 7 months 22 days old.
Total 11,924 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Mohamed Salah?
Mohamed Salah's next birthday is in 4 months 9 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Mohamed Salah?
Zodiac sign of Mohamed Salah is Gemini.
Mohamed Salah is a successful and very famous soccer player of Egyptian origin, known for his phenomenal dribbling and fast pace of the playing. Salah was born in 1992 in a small village in northern Egypt and since his childhood, he has been extremely in love with soccer. He started his professional career in an Egyptian soccer team in 2010, and two years later he continued in a Swiss club, Basel. After that, he spent 1 year in a British club Chelsea and two years in Italy playing for Florentine and Rome. In 2017 he was back to Premier League to play for Liverpool and spent an extremely successful first season there scoring a high number of goals and attracting the attention of the world's soccer community. Salah took part in the Final Game of the Champions League where Liverpool played against Real, but he was injured in the first half of the match and had no chance to help his team. However, for the season 2017-2018 Mohamed Salah was the 3rd on the list of the World's Best Soccer Players, behind only Leo Messi and Christiano Ronaldo. As a member of Egyptian National Soccer Team, Salah repeatedly received the award of the Best African Footballer of the Year. He is married and has a daughter. Salah is also a known social activist and is an advocate of gender equality.