How old is Nina Dobrev?
Nina Dobrev was born on 9 January 1989.
Nina Dobrev is 36 years old.
How old is Nina Dobrev in days now?
Nina Dobrev is 36 years 1 month 26 days old.
Total 13,206 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Nina Dobrev?
Nina Dobrev's next birthday is in 10 months 2 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Nina Dobrev?
Zodiac sign of Nina Dobrev is Capricorn.
Nikolina Konstantinova Dobreva, known as Nina Dobrev, is a Canadian actress of Bulgarian origin, who was born in Sofia in 1989 and moved to Canada with her family when she was only 2 years old. She studied extensively acting, dancing, gymnastics, visual arts, and other kinds of arts. She became very popular as a model who appeared at various commercials and photo sessions. This brought to numerous auditions for various cinema projects, so the first roles she played in such movies as Fugitive Pieces, How She Move and Too Young to Marry. She played Mia Jones in the TV series Degrassi: The Next Generation. She played in XXX and the Vampire Dairies, where she demonstrated her true talents and a natural passion for acting. She is not married, she loves sports and active lifestyle, and traveling is what she does in her free time.