How old is Oscar Piastri?

Oscar Piastri was born on 6 April 2001.
Oscar Piastri is 23 years old.

How old is Oscar Piastri in days now?

Oscar Piastri is 23 years 10 months 3 days old.
Total 8,710 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Oscar Piastri?

Oscar Piastri's next birthday is in 1 month 28 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Oscar Piastri?

Zodiac sign of Oscar Piastri is Aries.

Oscar Piastri is a popular Formula One car racer of Italian origins and a member of McLaren team who was born in 2001 and grew up in Australia. He spent his childhood in one of the neighborhoods of Melbourne and received a very good private education. Just like most young car racers, Oscar started his career as a karting racer which was his only interesting throughout his early teen ages. In the mid 2010s he went professional and took part in a large number of karting competitions. When Piastri was 15, together with his family he moved to the UK in order to join the local and European car racing competitions. In 2016 he joined Formula 4 and a year later he became a member of British junior team. Later in the decade he competed in a number of popular French and British races, as well as joined Formula 3, and in 2020 became a Formula 3 World Championship winner. In his first year in Formula 2 he became the winner as well. In the early 2020s he joined McLaren Formula 1 team and became one of its leading members. Oscar Piastri is the only car racer who has managed to become a winner of Formula 2 and Formula 3 competitions in the very first year of joining them.

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