How old is Owen Joyner?
Owen Joyner was born on 19 July 2000.
Owen Joyner is 24 years old.
How old is Owen Joyner in days now?
Owen Joyner is 24 years 6 months 30 days old.
Total 8,980 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Owen Joyner?
Owen Joyner's next birthday is in 5 months 1 day.
What is the zodiac sign of Owen Joyner?
Zodiac sign of Owen Joyner is Cancer.
Owen Joyner is a talented actor who rose to fame after portraying some lead characters in the popular TV series like Knight Squad. He was born in 2000 in the USA but spent his early years in Germany, alongside his sister and parents who are of German origins. Thus, he speaks German fluently and is very well familiar with German culture. In his late childhood he moved back to the US, Oklahoma, where he studied at school and made his first steps in acting, inspired by one of his friends. As a teenager he appeared on stage of some local theaters, and in the mid 2010s he moved to California in order to seek for chances in Hollywood and television. His first role was the one in a TV series 100 Things To Do Before High School, followed by the roles in Knight Squad and Julie And The Phantoms. He can be seen in a TV film named The Veil. Owen Joyner is one of the brightest young actors who obviously has great perspectives in the world of acting!