How old is Pedri?

Pedri was born on 25 November 2002.
Pedri is 22 years old.

How old is Pedri in days now?

Pedri is 22 years 2 months 24 days old.
Total 8,121 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Pedri?

Pedri's next birthday is in 9 months 7 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Pedri?

Zodiac sign of Pedri is Sagittarius.

One of the superstars of today's European soccer, Pedri is a midfielder of Bareclona FC and the national soccer team of Spain. He was born Pedro Gonzalez Lopez in 2002 in Tenerife where he made his first steps as a young soccer player in a local soccer team. Since his early years he has been a keen fan of Barcelona and dreamed about becoming a professional player as a young child, like the many in Spain. In the mid 2010s he played as a junior in the CF Juventud Laguna where he received some great training and experience as a midfielder. In 2018 he joined Las Palmas, one of the best known clubs of the Canary Islands where he was spotted by Bareclona scouts and in 2020 he became a player of La Liga Spain. His early career in the club was really successful, and now he is known for his dribbling and piercing passes, as well as outstanding vision of the game. Despite his really young age, Pedri has taken part in a great deal of important international soccer and sporting events like UEFA Euro 2020, 2020 Summer Olympic Games, 2022 FIFA World Cup, UEFA Euro 2024, and others.

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