How old is Peyton Lee?

Peyton Lee was born on 22 May 2004.
Peyton Lee is 20 years old.

How old is Peyton Lee in days now?

Peyton Lee is 20 years 8 months 16 days old.
Total 7,566 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Peyton Lee?

Peyton Lee's next birthday is in 3 months 15 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Peyton Lee?

Zodiac sign of Peyton Lee is Gemini.

Peyton Lee is a young American actress known for her roles in TV series Andy Mack, Shameless, and a few others. She was born in 2004 in New York City but grew up in Manhattan Beach in California, alongside her 2 siblings. Her father is a known Hollywood actor Andrew T. Lee. Peyton realized that she wants to be an actress in her early childhood, and in 2014 she attended a few respectable acting classes. In 2015 she received an invitation for her first serious role in one episode of Scandal TV series. A year later she was offered a small but recurring role in Shameless, and in 2017 Peyton was chosen to play the lead role in Andy Mask TV series which made her famous. Those who worked with her on stage and behind the cameras say that Peyton is a great actress who can handle both comedy and drama roles very well. She is a very promising young star. Peyon Lee is also a big Instagram star, with the number of followers exceeding 1 million people (as of the mid 2024).

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