How old is Ross Lynch?

Ross Lynch was born on 29 December 1995.
Ross Lynch is 29 years old.

How old is Ross Lynch in days now?

Ross Lynch is 29 years 1 month 11 days old.
Total 10,635 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ross Lynch?

Ross Lynch's next birthday is in 10 months 20 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Ross Lynch?

Zodiac sign of Ross Lynch is Capricorn.

Ross Lynch is an American musician and singer, who is actually more known to the most of us as an actor who played the lead role in Austin and Ally. He was born in 1995 in Colorado and was a member of a quite crowded family of two parents and their five kids. Since his childhood, Ross has been demonstrating his talent in music and learned to play a few instruments. In 2007 the family moved to LA, where the children continued their cultural development and showed pretty much of success in music (Ross, his elder sister Rydel and his elder brother Riker are all musicians). The Lynch family tried to form a band 5R, where all siblings played a musical instrument, but later on, Ross and Riker continued with the band The Driver Era. Before taking part in Austin and Ally project where he starred with Laura Marano, Calum Worthy, and other young actors, Ross appeared in some Broadway musicals, as well as in a short film Moises Rules!. He also played the lead role in My Friend Dahmer and Status Update movies. Ross Lynch released a few notable songs with 5R, as well as a few solo singles, including some songs for Austin and Ally.

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