How old is Ruby Rose?

Ruby Rose was born on 20 March 1986.
Ruby Rose is 38 years old.

How old is Ruby Rose in days now?

Ruby Rose is 38 years 1 month old.
Total 13,911 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Ruby Rose?

Ruby Rose's next birthday is in 11 months.

What is the zodiac sign of Ruby Rose?

Zodiac sign of Ruby Rose is Pisces.

Ruby Rose Langenheim is an Australian actress, model, and a TV personality. She was born in Melbourne in 1986 and her mother is an artist. In her childhood, Ruby and her mom traveled a lot around the country. She loved acting and started pursuing her professional career as a model in the early 2000s. Langenheim was also interested in videos and became a VJ which opened her a way to hosting various TV programs and project on Australian TV including the ones at MTV Australia and the ones related to modeling. In the mid-2010s she was invited to take part in a few movies like Resident Evil, XXX: Return of Xander Cage, John Wick, and others. Ruby Rose is a vegan and a promoter of a healthy lifestyle. She is a frequent participant of various charity projects related to various purposes.

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