How old is Rupert Grint?

Rupert Grint was born on 24 August 1988.
Rupert Grint is 36 years old.

How old is Rupert Grint in days now?

Rupert Grint is 36 years 5 months 16 days old.
Total 13,318 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Rupert Grint?

Rupert Grint's next birthday is in 6 months 15 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Rupert Grint?

Zodiac sign of Rupert Grint is Virgo.

Rupert Grint (Rupert Alexander Lloyd Grint) is a young British actor and movie producer, who became famous as one of the leading actors in Harry Potter movie series, alongside Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson. Rupert was born in 1988 in Essex and started practicing his acting skills in the high school theater. The work on his character, Ron Weasley, took almost 10 years, which Rupert managed to combine with small roles in other movies, including a comedy Wild Target. Upon finishing his work in Harry Potter, Grint took part in a few cinema movies (Cross of Honor, Moonwalkers and others), TV series like Super Clyde of CBS and Snatch, and on the stage of the Harold Pinter Theater. Rupert Grint is often involved in various charity projects, including health care and, specifically, cancer research related ones.

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