How old is Ryder Tully?
Ryder Tully was born on 14 October 2009.
Ryder Tully is 15 years old.
How old is Ryder Tully in days now?
Ryder Tully is 15 years 4 months 21 days old.
Total 5,623 days old now.
When is the next birthday of Ryder Tully?
Ryder Tully's next birthday is in 7 months 7 days.
What is the zodiac sign of Ryder Tully?
Zodiac sign of Ryder Tully is Libra.
Ryder Tully is a singer and cool YouTube star who is one of the cutest and the best members of The Rock Squad. Born in 2009 in the US and grew up alongside his parents and his sister Lyla. He started singing as a little child and turned out to be a successful performer and participant of a few projects for children. Combined with his cute looks, his talent helped Ryder to become known and his first hits like "Number One" and "Good Feelings" turned out to be a sensation. In the early 2020s he decided to focus on promoting his YouTube channel and added plenty of interesting and hilarious lip syncing videos. He can also be found on Instagram and is a member of a few social media groups like The Rock Squad. In 2022 Ryder Tully started dating a lovely YouTube star Peja Anne but they split up less than a year later.