How old is Sean Penn?

Sean Penn was born on 17 August 1960.
Sean Penn is 64 years old.

How old is Sean Penn in days now?

Sean Penn is 64 years 5 months 20 days old.
Total 23,549 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Sean Penn?

Sean Penn's next birthday is in 6 months 11 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Sean Penn?

Zodiac sign of Sean Penn is Leo.

Sean Penn is an American actor and movie director. He was born in 1960 in California and grew up alongside his two brothers who also became actors later on. He had a childhood friend, Charlie Sheen, who is a famous actor now and who made little Sean enjoy acting and filmmaking. Penn began his career at a local TV by appearing in a few episodes of Little House on the Praire, and in 1981 his cinema debut took place, in the movie Taps. Two years later he played the main role in the movie Bad Boys and appeared alongside Tom Cruise in the movie Risky Business. Some further noteworthy roles of Penn were in the movies At Close Range, Colours, State of Grace (with Ed Harris and Gary Oldman), Cool Blue (with Woody Harrelson), Carlito's Way (with Al Pacino) and finally Dead Man Walking (with Susan Sarandon), for which Penn has received his first Academy Award nominations. Later on, he has got 2 Oscars for his roles in Mystic River (directed by Clint Eastwood) and Milk (with Josh Brolin). Penn filmed a few movies like The Indian Runner, The Crossing Guard, The Pledge (with Jack Nicholson), and a few more. Sean is a social life and political activist, publicly supporting the Democrats. He was married to Madonna, and then to an actress Robin Wright Penn who is the mother of his two children. They divorced in 2010. Since then, Sean Penn has dated a few more celebrities including Charlize Theron.

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