How old is Seth MacFarlane?

Seth MacFarlane was born on 26 October 1973.
Seth MacFarlane is 51 years old.

How old is Seth MacFarlane in days now?

Seth MacFarlane is 51 years 4 months 9 days old.
Total 18,760 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Seth MacFarlane?

Seth MacFarlane's next birthday is in 7 months 19 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Seth MacFarlane?

Zodiac sign of Seth MacFarlane is Scorpio.

Seth MacFarlane is an incredibly talented American comedian, singer, movie producer, and author. He was born as Seth Woodbury MacFarlane in Connecticut and studied animation in the Rhode Island School of Design. He started his career with working as a writer and author for Hanna Barbera network and contributed to such TV series as Dexter's Laboratory, I am Weasel, Cow and Chicken, Johnny Bravo, and Larry & Steve. He also collaborated with Disney Channel for which he wrote episodes of Ace Ventura Pet Detective, and in 1999 he created his first own animated sitcom Family Guy which has become one of the most popular animated TV series of the current century. Seth is also a creator and writer for other animated series like The Cleveland Show, American Dad, as well as the movies Ted, Ted 2, and A Million Ways To Die in the West (with Charlize Theron, Amanda Seyfried, and Liam Neeson). MacFarlane is popular with his stand up comedy shows, as well as with his singing performances. Being a huge fan of Frank Sinatra, he recorded 4 studio albums of the stuff reminding the music of Sinatra, as well as gave concerts in a number of highly reputable venues like the Royal Albert Hall in the UK, Carnegie Hall in New York, and others. He hosted one of the Academy Award Ceremonies and also collaborated with such scientists as Carl Sagan and Neil deGrasse Tyson in their space-related programs. Seth MacFarlane is an activist and promoter of human rights. He was a passenger who missed one of the hijacked planes on September 11th, 2001, thus surviving the horrible events of that day. 

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