How old is Shelley Hennig?

Shelley Hennig was born on 2 January 1987.
Shelley Hennig is 37 years old.

How old is Shelley Hennig in days now?

Shelley Hennig is 37 years 4 months 6 days old.
Total 13,641 days old now.

When is the next birthday of Shelley Hennig?

Shelley Hennig's next birthday is in 7 months 25 days.

What is the zodiac sign of Shelley Hennig?

Zodiac sign of Shelley Hennig is Capricorn.

Shelley Henning is an actress and model who rose to fame for her role in a cult TV series Days Of Our Life. Born in 1987 in Louisiana, she spent her early years alongside her family and friends in a few cities of the state. When Shelley was a teenager she joined a few modeling agencies and in 2004 she became a winner of a local pageant contest and became Miss Louisiana Teen. She continued to study drama in the New York Conservatory of Dramatic Arts, and in the middle of the decade her TV debut as an actress in such TV series as Passions and Days Of Out Lives. Later on she took part in producing such shows as The Secret Circle, Zach Stone Is Gonna Be Famous, Teen Wolf, Liberty Crossing, Dollface, Mystic Quest, etc. In cinema, Shelly Henning is known as an actress who can be seen in Summer of 8, Unfriended, When We First Met, etc. For her outstanding performance, she received a few award nominations including Daytime Emmy Award. In 2016 she won a Teen Choice Award.

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